Thrift Store Angels

This is embarrassing. Sort of. I am beginning to think that I have watched way too many Hallmark movies and Touched By An Angel episodes. Not that it’s possible to watch too many of such things. Even so, the thought crossed my mind.

Here’s the deal. I often go to thrift stores on my day off just because I enjoy it. Lately, two ladies keep appearing at whatever thrift store I am at. They do not come together but, somehow at least one of them has been wherever I am. I started dubbing them the “thrift store angels.” I was joking… until I wasn’t. I have had random heart conversations with each of them while rummaging through typical thrift store items. The conversations, of course, involved me sharing the love of God one way or another. It seemed pleasing to the Lord.

So… last weekend… I literally almost said. Hey! Thrift Store Angel… That’s when my lightning quick brain kicked in gear. I was also there and, I am Not an angel! Chances are pretty good that these sweet ladies are just like me. Random thrift store shoppers who like to roam the aisles buying very little but enjoying every moment.

Whether they are angels (which they probably are not), I cannot help but think of Hebrews 13:2.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

So… I suppose I will continue to show hospitality to strangers. Maybe they are just like me. Maybe they are angels. Regardless, it’s always good to be aware of those around and to share with them the kindness of the Lord.

Have a wonderful day!

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