

Selah Journeys invites women
to come away so they can
come together to receive rest,
encouragement, and direction.


Come Away
and Rest

Selah Journeys provides a safe environment to receive healing, restoration, and joy. There is a purposeful effort to keep the group small and intimate. This allows you to be recognized, respected, heard, and loved.

As we lift up Christ,
we lift up one another.

Therefore encourage and comfort one
another and build up one another, just as
you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Come Together
for Encouragement

Coming together in the name of Jesus is where special things happen. This is where we are free to simply be and to let our hair down. As we connect with one another, the Holy Spirit speaks to equip, activate purpose, and bring healing and restoration.

Non-judgmental acceptance brings laughter and freedom.

A bruised reed He will not break, and
smoking flax. He will not quench.
Isaiah 42:3

Leave Renewed
with Direction

As we gather, gifts are stirred up, and wells are unstopped. With a new vision, women soar to new beginnings. As a community, we at Selah Journeys help to nurture the seeds planted, so they grow and multiply.

Gifts are activated and rekindled to honor God.

I am gentle and humble in heart, and you
will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for
your souls.
Matthew 11:29


A parable

The story of Selah Journeys can be compared to a woman who stands on a corner while holding a basket full of beautiful flowers. A steady flow of women pass by, and she shares a beautiful flower with each one.

There is no worry about having enough flowers to share because the flowers keep appearing in her basket. Before long, the women who received one of her flowers now hold their own baskets of flowers that they also share with others. It keeps multiplying.

These flowers are like aspects of our lives that have been cut off, disregarded, broken, and even despised. Somehow our flowers were thrown on the ground to be trampled as unimportant and unholy. Yet! The Lord notices every single flower and every detail. He lovingly gathers our flowers to beautify our homes, our lives, and our stories.

Healing comes on Selah Journeys through simple connections that offer our brokenness in the light of redemption. It is lovely and beautiful. We receive healing from the heart of God and from one another. Lives who have experienced affliction will be beautified with salvation.