Beauty for Ashes

Written: September 10, 2022

I surveyed the damage of destroyed hope among the smoldering ashes.

Console the mourners in Zion— give them a crown of beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and a garment of praise for a spirit of despair. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. Isaiah 61:3 Berean Study Bible

The Lord and I had a conversation many years ago that changed me. I spoke with Him… Honestly. Quietly. Intentionally. It was one of those uglier yet holy times when I brought Him ashes that had accumulated throughout my life story.

I put words to my pain. It was like I was standing on a forsaken field that had been set on fire by the enemy of my soul. My hopes died among the ashes still smoldering from the flames of emotional arsonists.

I surveyed the damage… with Him. Neither of us spoke for a while. We just sat together. It helped so much.

Eventually His presence responded with thoughts beyond words.

It was as though He knelt down and began gathering piles of ashes into His hands. He was not the least bit bothered or hesitant to touch the pain. He was loving and careful and ever wise in how He approached. He did not speak. He simply worked with His hands.

My Lord tenderly placed handful after handful of different colored ashes onto my very own paint board. He added His oily love into the ashes and mixed them together. My personalized paint board was soon filled with every paint color imaginable; reds, yellows, greens, blues, purples… My heart breathes deeply in this memory. God is so good.

To the side of my paint board was a set of paint brushes designed for me. I understood.

Not one ash would be wasted.

The Lord would beautify my affliction with His salvation. Together, we would paint a most lovely landscape with the remains of what was destroyed.

Yes. My hopes changed in terms of what I imagined life would be, but where I put my hope remained the same.

My ultimate hope was – and is – in God.

The Lord has been faithful to His promise.

How does this touch you, dear friend? Chances are you might have sadness from burnt dreams still smoldering in the ashes. Please consider offering them to the Lord in this prayer.

Lord, You see what happened. Some of it makes sense. Most of it does not. How on earth did I get here? I don’t know. But this I do know. You are with me now. That helps. Please. Take the ashes of my life and make something beautiful. May not one ash be wasted. May it all somehow give you praise. Amen

 Here is one of the Scriptures that held me during this season. I hope it helps you.

Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. Isaiah 61:7 NIV

~~Mary Meirink. [/read]

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