I Bring Him Nothing

Could it be that he is speaking through the silence?

Today, I bring Him

My… n o t h i n g

I look for something profound. Something that will stir hearts. Something that will cause people to say… wow. Yet, I have n o t h i n g.

No thing stands out except one simple Scripture.

And the earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Genesis 1:2

Could it be that He is here…

In the n o t h i n g?

Could it be that He is hovering… moving… waiting? 

Could it be that He is speaking through the silence… through the drawing to meet Him here…

In the n o t h i n g?

So I sit. I wait. I trust. His Presence hovers…

In the silence He speaks.

I am here…

That, my friend, is all I need

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